mandag den 11. november 2013

Media Diet Notes

I decided to do my media diet on a Saturday, which would on a typical saturday be a huge problem, but since his particular Saturday was going to be really busy, I figured I wouldn't feel the need for my smartphone that much.

Two main things I had to do, which I knew before doing the media diet was a trip to Silkeborg to referee and back, but also a meeting with a good friend of mine later that day.
Friday, the day before, I did a little prep-media diet research - meaning I prepared my self for a whole day without my smartphone, radio, tv and computer.
So I wrote down the busses I was going to ride to get to Silkeborg and what bus stops I had to change to the next one - all of that was now written down on paper, the old school way, instead of having a map-app or GPS running while traveling from Aarhus and Silkeborg. Also I arranged with my friend, that I would be at his apartment around 16-17 that day, so he had to stay home in that hour at least.

I actually decided to do my media diet from 12 o'clock at night and then 24 hours - but since I was out partying that friday night, I didn't find it very comforting not being able to get a reach of anybody while being out. Where are my friends at? Call for a cap and so on. So instead I started my media diet at 4 in the morning, as soon as I was home.
A good night sleep - when I woke up I felt very jealous of my girlfriend, who was laying next to me checking her inboxes and Facebook account - which for this day wasn't allowed for me.
I had to survive a whole day without any kind of media at all - fortunately I had a busy day a head of me.

While traveling to Silkeborg, I was really bored - I noticed how everyone else besides me where listening to music/radio with their earphones plugged in and constantly glancing at their screens. Jealous - but also a little sad on their behalf, not that they are missing out on a conversation with me, which at that point actually would have been nice - just some kind of entertainment. Why have we turned in to be "screen hungering human beings".

They I feel left out? Yes
Did I feel that I was missing something? Yes - fear of missing out.
I was so focussed on the assignment/experiment, that the need of completing the assignment was more important to me, than just checking my "second life".
Also, I felt very relaxed and in harmony when I arrived to Silkeborg - very focussed on the next "assignment", which was to do a good job as a referee in Silkeborg under observation. I had no stress elements or frustrations from the outside world going into the game - which helped me perform well.

I had to cheat a couple times during this day, which in the 2 cases out of the 3 were an emergency. I couldn't find my way back to the original bus stop, so I had to use the GPS on my smartphone for once - the smartphone which I of course couldn't leave behind, I had to have it in my pocket along my travel. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to ask anyone - and I know if I didn't catch that bus, my entire preparation sheet from the day before would be meaningless.
On my way home from Silkeborg I unconsciously turned on the radio - at first I didn't notice I had broken my own rules, but after 20 minutes of radio use I realized I had used a media, even though I wasn't allowed to - I felt ashamed.

Later, when meeting up with my friend - the clock was passed the arranged 16-17 o'clock meeting time, so while standing in the rain - I had to give him a call. Unfortunately he had left his apartment 15 minutes ago, but would be back in a little while. Which in this case would have been prevented if we could have communicated throughout the day.

After the phone call, I noticed my text message inbox had 2 new messages, which was a mentally hard challenge not to have a look at.

When I woke up the next morning, I noticed that some of my friends, who I had told I would be on a media diet, had posted several embracing pictures and facts about me on my wall. Facebook, friends and friends of friends were now able to see me really drunk, really tired and other fun facts and embracing stuff, which used to be private/internal among the group of friends and I - but now everyone was a part of it.
I decided to give them a call and they deleted all of it - but for a 24 hour period they had changed my identity and others view at me with just a couple of posts.

Despite, feeling this task was easy, I also felt that some of the actions made on my social network site Facebook was crucial to my "second life" appearance. Now my need to check my social media accounts are now even more important to me, and within the next few weeks will the amount of times during the day raise, just due to the above mentioned episode.